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  1. Giving a home to a cat who needs one: According to the Humane Society of the United States, every year 2.7 million animals are euthanized in shelters. Every cat (or dog or hamster or bunny) that’s adopted makes a dent in that number, and helps make room for another fuzzy friend who needs help. And the increasing rate of natural disasters means that even more animals are landing in shelters who need homes. Our motto? Always adopt.
  2. Do it for the love: Adopting a cat means opening your heart to a new fuzzy family member, a beautiful new best friend, one that will fill your home with love, cuddles and two-way adoration.
  3. Pets are good for your health: Again, because of the love. Animals have been shown to be emotionally and physically fantastic for their human parents. They provide a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and reduce stress and loneliness. Recent studies have shown that petting a cat releases endorphins and even lowers blood pressure.
  4. They teach kids a sense of responsibility: A cat is a great way to create a connection between a child and an animal, often one they’ll both remember forever. And it’s an easy way to teach that while a cat is fun to play with and pet, he also needs to be fed — and have his litter cleaned regularly.
  5. They’re independent: Cats are perfect for city-dwellers and other busy people because they can entertain themselves (though prefer to play with you). Make sure you still make time to spend with your fuzzy friend: They need snuggles and companionship, too. Though we’re guessing with an irresistible new friend, that won’t be too hard.
  6. They’re litter-trained: Usually, and if not, can be taught fairly easily. Unlike a dog (though we have nothing against dogs, we love all animals), you won’t have to take your cat for a walk outside at the break of dawn or in the cold, dark and rain.
  7. They’re endlessly fascinating creatures: Cats are gorgeous, mysterious little beings who are so much fun to play with, to get to know, to bond with and of course to snuggle with. Love all around.

If you’re considering sponsoring a cat, it’s a kind gesture that can have a significant impact on the lives of many animals. Your support can help ensure that cats receive the care and attention they need while they wait for a loving family to take them home. 🐱❤️