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One Cat At A Time – Saved From The Streets

With the current culture involving animal cruelty, abandonment, and lack of enforceable legislation; winning the war is not yet a reality.  Until that day comes, we must measure our success; by winning one battle at a time.

Will you consider making a donation of any amount?

There are numerous costs for saving animals.  Food, litter, flea medication, vetting, shots, spay/neuter, transport.   Animal rescue does not involve profits of any kind. There are no salaries, expense accounts, 401k’s, or stock options. On the off chance, we get a vacation, we even tend to rescue animals; wherever we find ourselves at the time.

A rescue “loses “money, with every cat that it is adopted. The adoption fee barely covers the costs to save an animal and make it adoptable. Since there are no profits to reinvest in other cats , donations are the only way that we can keep saving lives.